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Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2013

The new reading mode optimized for touch inwords 2013 documents see Using napkins afinger skimthrough. Modifications of the documents, had a major overhaul and expand to make editing documents easier. Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus PDF and edit without having quesoftware, making it a direct competitor to Adobe Acrobat.

known applications, new opportunities

Vexcel 2013 New-Fill flash functionautomaticallyfills with arange of selected cells. Excel analysisentire table, defines the relationship between cells and provides a value or texto.Excel also facilitates the creation of pivot tables and generate graphicsby suggestionsin same. The new quick scan featurein Microsoft Office 2013 lets you view certain formatting options in the table itself.

PowerPoint 2013 presentations raskolRezhym in two different views to the public and presentador.Ademais the presentation itself, you can also SEEAbullet list and details screen onthe lead. The tablets,banks witch slide your finger gestures forums ink pen lectures on film, or use the pointer virtualláser.

In all types, Outlook 2013 brings threatened menu for meetings, contacts and tasks together. The e-mail messages in Outlook 2013zyavlyayutstsa tablet-friendly and can be seen if you want to see a list of large areas anoptimized.

Click USOE great for minimalist design from Windows 8

If you are using Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus, you have to understandthere are some changes in the bones. The famous bar tape is distributed only when needed and for finger touch ekranah.U it’soptimized in addition to images, you can embed HTML vídeoutilizando codeine Microsoft Office 2013Professional Plus. All applications are provided with the new display modes optimized for touch.

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 uses the same minimalist design Windows8 tiles, and everything looks scrunched together well.Large, icons neatly dispostosparathemost important functions, while new models of spreadsheets and presentations visually pryvabnymelektronnyh.

Conclusion: The best lap Office Suite

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 comes with many useful features that selectivelyused OnTouch device screen. Unfortunately, no office suite, except for the friendly compressed. Many elements of the selection enopties too small for fingers untrained.

Other features MicrosoftOfis2013 Professional Plus, however, is much more convincing: PDF Editor offersgreatly improved opportunities for collaborative editing, not iscloud integration with Skydrive eservizos as embedding a YouTube video more innovation.